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Competition Advocacy

October 23rd, 2012

For Day 2 of a week of competition advocacy posts (in honor of the ICN’s Advocacy Workshop – hosted by the French Autorité later this week), ICNBlog travels to Chile and Egypt. Once again, please feel free to submit additional links to agency advocacy initiatives for future posts.

Competition Day – Chile

On October 23, the Chilean FNE celebrates its 2012 Dia de la Competencia.

En esta oportunidad el Fiscal Nacional Económico realizará la cuenta pública de la gestión del Servicio y entregará los lineamientos generales de la institución. Además, el seminario contará con dos paneles paralelos: “Restricciones Verticales y Competencia en redes” y el otro sobre “Operaciones de Concentración”.

Competition Culture – Egypt

Last week, the Egyptian Competition Authority organized a media roundtable titled “Egyptian Competition Law between Theory and Practice & the Role of Media in Disseminating Competition Culture”. The roundtable addressed several significant issues including the ECA’s role, challenges, law amendments, economic growth and combating anticompetitive practices. Several journalists attended the roundtable from the most widespread newspapers in Egypt

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