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The Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia, CNMC (Spain´s National Authority for Competition and Markets) began operations in 2013, creating a new authority in charge of both competition and regulatory matters. The new authority merged the competition authority, the CNC, with several sector regulators responsible for Telecom, Energy, Railway, Postal, Audiovisual, and Airport Tariffs. It has simultaneous functions: enforcing competition rules, competition and better regulation advocacy, and regulating economic sectors. The CNMC was created to guarantee, preserve, and promote the correct operation, transparency, and effective competition in all Spain’s productive sectors and markets.

The CNMC enjoys complete institutional and functional independence in exercising its authority. It has separate legal personality and full public and private capacity.

For more information, see ‘about us’ (in Spanish) on the CNMC’s website. An English language version of the site will be available soon.

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