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Posts tagged ‘Brazil’

Cartel settlements: Brazil

January 2nd, 2013

Brazil’s CADE has proposed new settlement procedures to strengthen cartel fighting, including four predefined percentage discounts, varying according to the degree of cooperation, and the requirement of an admission of guilt. The policy is open to public comment.

Brazil has released new merger filing thresholds. More information is available in the Brazilian Official Gazette.

The Administrative Council for Economic Defense (“CADE”) has just published for consultation the draft regulations for the new Brazilian antitrust regime (see documents attached – Portuguese version only.) Comments can be submitted by April 19, 2012. Also attached is the Portuguese version of Consulta Pública noticia on March 19th. Minuta RGI Minuta Resolução Procedimento Sumário Minuta Resolução Aprovação de […]

Update: Brazil

October 6th, 2011

  Dear friends, On behalf of CADE, we are pleased to announce that the new Brazilian Competition Statute was approved yesterday evening by the Congress. The Statute waits now for presidential sanction to become enacted. It will represent a new era of competition policy in Brazil, in particular with the unification of competition agencies and […]

  The phrase above — ‘Cartel is a Crime – Be the first to leave’ – was printed on more than 80,000 postcards recently distributed by Brazil’s Secretariat of Economic Law (SDE) for a cartel awareness campaign.  See the postcard and more information here.

  DAY 7 – Brazil The Brazilian Ministry of Justice offers a comic book produced in partnership with Mauricio de Sousa Productions with the aim of introducing the concept of business ethics for children: “O Cartel da Limonada” (4th document under “Cartilhas”). This is the final posting in the ICNBlog spotlight series on explaining competition […]

  Today’s links sample some of the cooperation agreements among competition agencies. Chile Russia US DOJ US FTC EU Nordic Cooperation Japan Canada Brazil Australia

  Today’s links sample some of the cooperation agreements among competition agencies. Chile Russia US DOJ US FTC EU Nordic Cooperation Japan Canada Brazil Australia

  The Brazilian Ministry of Justice uses effective and timely images in its Play Fair program to raise awareness of bid rigging cartels and the possible penalties. Click here. Underscoring the place of football in Brazil and the poignancy of using it as a theme for awareness efforts, the Brazilian agencies change their operating hours […]

  The Turkish Competition Authority hosted the ninth Annual Conference of the ICN from April 27-29, 2010. Five hundred delegates, representing more than 80 competition agencies, and over 100 NGAs from the legal, business, consumer, and academic communities, and international organizations attended the conference. Working groups and participants addressed the successes of the ICN from […]